Tuesday, January 31, 2012

IOC container of the Spring 3 framework.

Spring IoC
In this section we will learn Spring IoC with the help of many articles and ready to test example code. In this section we are exploring IOC container of the Spring 3 framework. The IOC container is the main component of the Spring framework. It provides the main IoC container and AOP framework. The core container of the Spring Framework provides important functionality including dependency injection and bean lifecycle management.
The core container is responsible for providing  essential functionality to the Spring framework. The BeanFactory is the primary component of the core container. The BeanFactory is an implementation of the Factory pattern. The core container of the Spring Framework provides Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control (IOC) functionalities.
Modules of Core Container:
Following are the modules of the Spring Core Container:
  1. Beans
  2. Core
  3. Context
  4. Expression Language
The IoC or Inversion of Control is the core features of the Spring Framework. Developers uses the IoC container to manage the beans and its dependency in the application. Thus simplifies the implementation of business logic in the application. The IoC is very important and it's very necessary to fully understand.
What is IoC?
The Inversion of Control is the process by which application defines the dependency and these dependencies are then satisfied in runtime by the Spring Framework. The IoC is also known as Dependency Injection(DI).
I the application dependencies are satisfied through:
  1. Constructor Injection
    Here the IoC container injects the dependency through the constuctor.
  2. Setter Injection
    The setter injection is done through the setters (setter method).
  3. Interface Injection
    The spring does not provide direct Interface Injection functionality.
In this section we will be presenting the examples of Spring Core module.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jar Required for Spring (Basic)

 For Typical Application

  • spring-asm-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-beans-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-context-support-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-core-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-context-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-expression-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-web-3.0.2.RELEASE

  • cglib-2.2
  • commons-logging-1.1
  • jstl
  • spring-aop-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-aspects-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-instrument-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-instrument-tomcat-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-jdbc-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-jms-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-orm-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-oxm-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-struts-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-test-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-tx-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-webmvc-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • spring-webmvc-portlet-3.0.2.RELEASE
  • standard
  For Include External Resource Such as CSS,JS,IMAGES,ICON etc...
  • org.springframework.js-2.0.2.RELEASE

    Friday, January 6, 2012

    Always Leave Office On Time.......

    Always Leave Office On Time
    Why ?

    1. Work is never ending process. You can never finish the work.

    2. Interest of a client is not more important than your family.

    3. If you fail in life your boss or client will not be the person to offer a helping hand but your
    family and friends will do.

    4. Life does not mean coming to office, going home and sleeping. There is more to a life. You
    need time to socialize, entertainment, exercise and relaxation. Don't make your life meaningless.

    5. A person who sits in office till late is not a hardworking person. He just don't know how to
    manage work within the stipulated time.

    6. You did not study hard and struggle just to have a meaningless life.

    Have a balance life. We work to live , not live to work.. :)

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